Lotus marine
Shipping agency services Shipping agency services
Shipping agency, Embarking & Disembark - ing Crew with full supporting formality arrangement, CTM, Spare part customs clearance.
Workshop & repair at berth Workshop & repair at berth
Steel - pipe work, repair at berth, river, anchorage, Workshop & Shipyard. Spare part fabrication - Generator - Boiler - Pump - Valve - Air Compressor - Air Condition - Refrigeration system - Crane -
Chandler, Marine Spare Parts Chandler, Marine Spare Parts
Ship- chandler, Fresh water - Provision - deck, engine, all ship's stores supply base on ISSA & IMPA classification.
Technician support & advisor Technician support & advisor
Technician support & advisor: Lefi boat & raft - Fire extinguisher refill & service - Fix C02 system - UWS, load test as per Solas & IMO regulations - Communica - tion equipment - Approved by IACS mem
Vietnam shipyard agency Vietnam shipyard agency
Shipyard agency whole Viet Nam territory, repair & docking arrangement.
Other marine services support Other marine services support
Chipping - Paiting - Clearning tank with gas free certificate

General introduction

Date: 11-07-2016 | 8:46 AM | 1912 View | Author: admin

Dear our Value Customers !

A privately owened Company founded in 2006, .Is one of the leading marine service ptovider in Vietnam.It's main office located in Haiphong. The Company renders individual approach to each custumer and offers optimum alternatives of performence of the works which take into account customers interests as much as possible and combining high quality and reliability.

The aim of us is to structure a proficient business based on European Standards, capable of meeting the requirements of foreign custumers. To further assistout custumers to overcome communication barries our professional staff able to communicate in English, Russian and Chinese languages.

We had entered into a joint venture with Vinabulk Carrer Co,Ltd in 2012 in biz field like as:ship 's brokers,Logistics,Containers trading...

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